
Showing posts from February, 2019

Truffoire — How The New-Age Skin Care Provider is Bringing Benefits of Truffles to the Front

Truffoire is a new-age enterprise working in the cosmetics industry, bringing a potent, completely new and advanced skin care solution in the form of truffle based products. Yes, truffles. You might have heard about and used truffle as an ingredient in food delicacies. But their use in skin care is quite a new discovery and something that is bringing radical improvements. Here we take you through a detailed truffle analysis and Truffoire reviews in the field of skincare. What are Truffles? Truffles are a different, fungi type of mushrooms that grow in tree roots. Often referred to as ‘The diamond of the kitchen’, this product is a popular ingredient for making delicacies in Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Georgia and the Middle East. While Truffles have been popularly used in food for years, the significance of these mushrooms as efficient cosmetic product is relatively new. The truffles have been tested and proven to provide effective results for revitalizing s